Today’s blog is a guest appearance by Melinda Coffin – an amazing recovery ally and current leader of YPR Brewer. If you aren’t yet familiar with this movement:
“Young People in Recovery (YPR) is a national grassroots advocacy organizationfocused on creating recovery-ready communities throughout the nation for youngpeople in, or seeking, recovery from addiction. YPR aims to improve access to treatment; educational resources; employment opportunities; and secure, stablehousing that sustains young people in their recovery. All services are provided to the general public 100% free of charge. There are currently 48 chapters in the U.S.” (
You do not have to be a young person nor a person in recovery to join. You just have to have a desire to support the education of young people.
We meet Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. at Bangor Area Recovery Network, 142 Center Street, Brewer. We hold monthly workshops on recovery messaging, advocacy, education and employment: Next Workshop is Advocacy of January 13th form 5-7 p.m. at the BARN.
On January 6th, we are handing out warm winter clothes from 3-5:30 P.M. at Pickering Square.
On January 31st, 2017, we are going to Lincoln High School from 5-7 p.m. to do a community forum.
Why join us?
Our Brewer chapter believes: Getting involved gives you a strong sense of community, assists in empowering young people in recovery, helps build professional skills, and reduces stigma.
A message from a member about why she joined: (Cynthia) I joined YPR about six months ago, I was drawn to support youth in overcoming their obstacles in recovery and to support the organization as a whole. I love what they have to offer. Having children of my own, I’m grateful that this is not an active issue for them but knowing about the effects of what addiction can do. it’s a pleasure to be involved with this group of people.
Contact Info:
Melinda Coffin Chapter Lead: