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Ok Bangor, this is how we reduce addiction

Writer: Jim LaPierreJim LaPierre

Updated: Feb 10, 2020

I have a compelling story and urgent opportunities for you. Please indulge me:

I’ve learned that no one is in recovery from just one thing. Folks in recovery from addiction are also in recovery from trauma. Folks recovering from eating disorders or self-harm are also in recovery from mental illness.

I want to tell you about a less common mix of recovery and an amazing woman named Gabby. She’s in addiction recovery. She’s achieved long-term abstinence while working full time while changing everything in her life and doubling down on her efforts to be the best mom she can be.

And in the midst of all of this…she was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer.

My heroes are all Hope Dealers. The ladies of Holyoke Haven (Bangor Area Recovery Network’s sober home for women) are some of the best around. They’re family and they’re organizing a fundraiser for Gabby.

There are so many potential opportunities here!

The first one is easy. October 6th there will be a dinner at the B.A.R.N. raising funds for Gabby’s expenses and lost wages as she’ll be recovering from multiple surgeries.

The next one is more personal. You can contact my friend Jennifer Hughes: 631-5729. or to get involved in marketing, planning, or serving/cooking for the event. You could donate through her Go Fund Me page.

Ok – stick with me – there’s a bigger opportunity but it requires more backstory:

I’ve been quoting my friend Bob Fickett lately. We’ve been attending a ton of roundtables and speaking engagements for many years now, talking with politicians who want to be seen addressing addiction recovery. With a wry grin, Bob asked me, “Wouldn’t it be great if we could conference our way out of addiction?”

What drives me crazy is that every time we get together there are people who really want to do cool things…but they end up listening to “experts” and political “leaders” who talk pretty but rarely get down to planning anything that actually works.

I know there are a lot of folks in greater Bangor who care about community. I know a lot of us have come to see that recovery is a community responsibility. What we need are opportunities to come together, connect, and remain active together in meeting the needs of good folks faced with life-threatening conditions.

Gabby and her family are a reason to come together. Here are other great reasons:

  1. Health Equity Alliance is having a fundraiser to supply families who have loved ones in addiction with Narcan (I dream of a day we don’t hold bake sales to save lives). Contact Andrea Littlefield at H.E.A.L. 990-3626 and thank me later – she’s the best.

  2. Sign up for the Down East Aids Network AIDS Walk. Come out and support our brothers and sisters living with HIV and AIDS.

  3. Join the Education & Advocacy committee of B.A.R.N. We meet the 4th Monday of every month at 144 Center Street Brewer. Contact me with questions and suggestions:

  4. Contact my friends at the Bangor Area Homeless Shelter and bring your friends and family to help prepare a meal for folks who are in need of not only basic life needs, but also acts of kindness.

  5. Reach out to my friends at Jericho Ministries and help support their fulfillment of basic life needs to the homeless not currently living in Bangor shelters.


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